Thursday, June 13, 2013

It's day-3.

Three days ago I was supremely depressed. What I thought was an act of indulgence in nostalgia turned out to be a wake-up-call and a trigger for at least 6 hours of solid anxiety.

I was going through my hard disk and started looking at old pictures. Pictures which had images of a much slimmer and younger me. The sad part is that I didn't know how good I looked then and so never really got the chance to feel good about myself. As I'm growing older, I am certainly getting more and more comfortable in my skin. So much so that when I actually started putting on weight (which I later realized was also owing to a hyper-thyroid condition I have), I didn't quite realize it. I was so busy and happy being me that I didn't quite notice; and even if I noticed, didn't quite care!

It started hitting me of course when clothes started getting tighter and photographs started looking worse. I was also in denial for sometime. But come-day-before-yesterday I panicked. My research on my thyroid condition told me that it wouldn't be easy losing weight. I had read several depressing stories about people with thyroid making an effort, but failing to lose weight. Added to that my general propensity to be lazy and my gluttonous nature scared me big time!

The panic button had been pressed and I called my sister for help. She had recently lost quite a bit of weight and I knew it was a diet regime that she was following. What she shared was not new for me - it was re-visiting Rujuta Diwekar (her claim to fame being Kareena Kapoor's dietician), but her theory of weight loss is definitely one that will go well with most over-weight people who love food: Eat something healthy every two hours.

Voila! As simple as that! So here I am on my third day of a diet plan which doesn't require me to give up on any food. Just make amendments to my lifestyle and tell my body that I care. Seems to be going pretty well so far. Last night I caught up with a friend for dinner and happily ordered grilled fish. It's the little things that make the difference. Let's see where this gets me as I battle thyroid and weight!

Here's a link to Rujuta Diwekar's website:

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

                                                        A recent picture of both my girls.

Monday, June 10, 2013


So the other day M and I were joking about how Lexie (the Beagle) and Kiki (the Lhasa Apso) actually epitomize the philosophic traditions of their places of origin (Britain and Tibet respectively). So while Lexie is quite an aggressive little girl, who barks her head off when she wants something, Kiki knows how to let go. It's almost as if all her ancestors guarding the Tibetan monasteries had imbibed the zen-like patience and calm of the Dalai Lama and it has genetically passed on to this particular Lhasa too!

I have had moments of pure bliss, watching Kiki being fascinated by a curtain blowing in the wind.Or she gazing into nothingness, looking anything but bored. Lexie on the other hand is a girl of action! She needs to be jumping or running or biting something to feel she is doing something in life.If there's nothing to do, she'll sleep. But the peace that Kiki knows in just being, ever since she was a pup that too, is something I doubt Lexie is capable of!